CTF Instructions

Getting Started

Your teacher will provide the login information that you will use for the duration of the National Cyber Cup by CYBER.ORG competition. Click the login button at the top right of the page and enter the correct Username and Password to login.


Submitting Answers

When logged into the National Cyber Cup by CYBER.ORG CTF you will earn points by submitting correct answers to challenges.

The flag should be submitted as: cyber{____} What are curly brackets?

You can find the curly bracket keys on your keyboard by pressing one of the keys circled below while pressing the shift key.

Type the answer you believe to be correct, and press submit.

One of the following images will appear at the bottom of the popup window to show if the answer was correct or incorrect.

While looking through the challenges you will see if you have completed the challenge by locating a check mark next to the name.

Tips for Success

  • Read the questions thoroughly and review your answer before attempting to solve a challenge.
  • If a challenge requires hints, they will be provided underneath the challenge itself. Some hints can be purchased.
  • Some challenges will require extra information to solve.
  • If you feel like a challenge might have an error, first check the number of solves. Multiple solves indicate that it is probably correct. Consider similar wording options.
  • Be sure to check the notifications tab at the top of the page. If new information needs to be sent to participants, it will be placed in notifications
  • For encryption challenges, deciphering the message isn’t always the last part of the challenge.

Competition Rules and Regulations for the National Cyber Cup by CYBER.ORG


  • Students may not compete up or down a division. Team sponsors may only register students for the division that corresponds to the student’s current grade level.
  • Students competing at the intermediate level must not be enrolled in high school.

During Competition:

  • Challenges may be hidden behind challenges. This means that a new challenge may not display until a prerequisite flag is submitted. These challenges will not be identified to participants.
  • Some challenges will have an opportunity for teams to purchase a hint in exchange for points. These purchases are final, and points are not refundable.
  • There is a place for participants to submit questions to the event organizers. Responses to questions that can be answered will be sent to the sponsor of that team. Event organizers will not communicate directly with students.
  • Participants should not add identifying information such as school/organization or contact email to their user profile.
  • Participant and team sponsor conduct that the judges determine to conflict with the overall mission of the competition will be further analyzed and could result in actions taken including disqualification.

After Competition

  • Challenge answers will not be released after the competition.